By: Madison Feldhahn

Behind every game is an untold story of dedication, determination, and sacrifice. For college softball players, this story is a balance between academics, athletics, and the college experience. Top Gun Events caught up with two freshmen players to hear about a day in their life and talk about their collegiate journey.

Lillian Sapp, an outfielder at Arkansas Tech University from Lenexa, Kan., tells Top Gun Events Media that her busiest days are Tuesdays and Thursdays. Her day always starts at 5:00 AM and is a packed day. She likes being busy and keeping her schedule full.

Our other freshman, Hilary Blomberg, is a catcher for the University of Wisconsin from Verona, Wis. She’s a psychology major and is interested in working in child development. Her busiest day is Wednesday, and her days always start at 5:30 AM.

Check out a day in their life below:

Lillian Sapp


5:00 AM: Wake up, get dressed, and head to lift

6:00 AM: Start lift

6:45 AM: Lift ends

7:00 AM: Individual hitting

8:00 AM: Head out for a run

8:35 AM: Come back from run, shower, and get ready for class

9:30 AM: Head to class

10:50 AM: Leave class

11:00 AM: Eat lunch

11:45 AM: Relax in the dorm room

1:00 PM: Work student-run events for hospitality class

2:30 PM: Leave the event and head back to the dorm

2:35 PM: Journal to get my mind right

2:50 PM: Leave the dorm room

3:00 PM: Get treatment in the training room

3:15 PM: Practice starts

6:00 PM: Practice ends

6:30 PM: Shower and eat dinner

7:00 PM: Finish homework for the day

8:30 PM: Get ready for bed

8:45 PM: Lights off

9:15 PM: Go to sleep

Hilary Blomberg


5:30 AM: Wake up, get dressed, and head to lift

6:30 AM: Start lift

7:30 AM: Lift ends

7:40 AM: Rehab in the training room

8:00 AM: Work on homework

10:45 AM: Head to class

11:00 AM: Class one starts

12:15 PM: Class one ends

12:30 PM: Lunch between classes

1:00 PM: Class two starts

2:15 PM: Class two ends

2:30 PM: Practice starts

5:30 PM: Practice ends

6:00 PM: Shower

7:00 PM: Eat dinner

8:00 PM: Relax and work on homework

9:30 PM: Lights off

10:00 PM: Go to sleep

Both freshmen have transitioned well from high school and travel softball into collegiate softball. The biggest changes are the amount of schoolwork and the increased time at practice.

“The thing that’s helped me the most is getting my schoolwork done the first few days of the week, especially now since we’re traveling,” Blomberg said. “I get all my work done on Monday, Tuesday, or even Wednesday. Then I’m ready to travel and I don’t have to work about it. It just really takes away the stress so I can separate school and softball.”

Blomberg attends six hours a week of study hall. The study hall is mandated by her team and provides her access to academic advisors and tutors. It also gives her a designated time where she has to put her phone down and just work. It’s allowed her to develop study habits and time management skills that she can use for the rest of her college career. Sapp recommends writing everything down to keep track of responsibilities and deadlines. She plans out all of her days to make sure she gets done what needs to get done.

Besides schoolwork, the increased workload and commitments that come with collegiate softball is one of the biggest changes. Blomberg and Sapp agree that the transition is really manageable as long as you love the game.

“I was super excited to practice every single day and lift. I really wanted to get better. I would do anything,” Sapp said. “I would just say, if you’re truly dedicated and love the sport, you’re ready to play at the collegiate level. It’s more time and work, but it’s all just really worth it.”

“This is really just elevated travel ball. You’re playing against the same people you’ve seen,” said Blomberg. “You know how to play the sport. You’ve just got to trust yourself. Don’t look at it any differently than you have just because you’re going to college now. It’s the exact same game you’ve always been playing.

Blomberg and Sapp provided some advice for the high school players going through the recruiting process right now. They both emphasized the importance of finding the place that’s right for you. The freshmen picked their schools because it felt right and the people there were supportive of their goals.

“Growing up here, it’s really cool to play for my hometown college,” Blomberg said. “Everything just kind of it into place and felt right. I think the biggest reason was the people here. Everyone I met was always super supportive, super helpful, and very understanding of the situation I’m in.”

Sapp had actually spent a lot of time with head coach Jordon Jones before she joined the Arkansas Tech roster. Sapp took hitting lessons from Jones and the coach believed in her during a low point in her life. Their connection is what led Sapp to the Golden Suns’ program.

“It’s important to remember that there’s a spot for you somewhere. It may not be your number one pick or even your tenth, but there’s a home for you. Go somewhere you’re wanted because that’s the point of recruiting,” Sapp said. “You want to go somewhere where the coach really wants you because you’re going to feel so much more at home when you get to that school.”

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